“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10


Giving up days have been a few

You feel like God has abandoned you

Said in his Word he’ll be there

On Jesus cast your cases – your cares


we face adversity it can be easy to become overwhelmed and want to give up.
However it is important to remember that God is always with us  and He will
give us the strength and courage we need to persevere.

way to hold on during difficult times is to put our trust in God I mean for
real for real trust in him! The Bible reminds us that God is our rock, our
fortress and our refuge. He is the one who will protect us and guide us
through the storms of life. When we put our trust in Him we can find the peace
and tranquility that we need through him to face any adversity.

way to hold on during difficult times is to focus on the positive. It can be
easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and feelings when things are not
going well. However, it is important to remember that there is always something
positive to focus on even in the darkest of times. With our eyes on the
positive we can find the hope and encouragement we need to keep going.

in mind that adversity is often a part of the journey of life. The Bible tells
us that we will face trials and tribulations, but that these are only
temporary. We can be rest assured that God will bring us through these
difficult times and use them to shape us into the person He wants us to be.

can hold on during difficult times by seeking the support of others. The Bible
shows us that there is strength in numbers and that we are not meant to go
through life alone. When we surround ourselves with supportive friends family and fellow believers we can find the love and encouragement we need to face any

can hold on during difficult times by putting our trust in God focusing on the
positive remembering that adversity is a part of the journey of life and
seeking the support of others. With the help of God and our loved ones we can
find the strength and resilience we need to persevere through any adversity.



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