Day 1 | “Driven by Love”
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with
our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from
start to finish.”
John 1:14 MSG
Knowing the plan of redemption in full detail, God the Son, still wanted more than anything to
please his father. Knowing he’d have to lay aside his diety to put on the body of a human being,
Jesus – The Word, did it.
The Word suddenly became flesh and blood, and was given the Hebrew name Yeshua
Hamashiac (which means “Jesus the Messiah”). The name, Jesus Christ, would be the Greek
shortened form of Yeshua – similarly to how Jeff is the shortened name for Jeffrey.
One third of the godhead for the first time in history, could be touched – walked, talked, became
in every way…human.
The purest form of agape love would be the driving force from the starry night of his birth in
The greatest revelation of the ages would be the revealing of God’s love. God the Father set it
on full display through Jesus, his Son, to us. He came to earth to suffer
Yet through the accomplishing of his purpose, Jesus would demonstrate Love’s power and
Love’s ability to redeem, reclaim, and restore us in unfathomable ways.